Bringing together the smart communities in the Alps
This platform has been developed in order to bring all the alpine communities working and implementing actions in the six dimensions of smartness (Smart Living, Smart Governance, Smart Mobility, Smart Economy, Smart Environment, Smart People). This platform is dedicated to create links between communities, present the good practices and innovations within the 6 countries of the SmartCommUnity project.
Helps communities implementing actions: Smartness assessment, cocreation toolkit, collection of best practices among Europe, Test areas analyzer.
Network with other Alpine communities in their own country and elsewhere in Europe, to discuss a range of issues: mobility, agriculture, housing, economic development, etc.
See of other communities working on smart actions and their transition.
Through the platform, you can join other smartcommunities, exchange ideas and discuss with them. Click to join one of them.
This platform has been designed to enhance the user experience and engage users through gamification. Want to find out more?
Ask our AI chatbot about pilot areas, smart transitions and everything smart villages related in your language.
The Smartcommunity project presented above is based on the development of smart communities in different countries in the Alps and their support in the development of activities related to the six smart dimensions. Click on the pictures to discover them!
Europe’s rural and mountain areas, both in perceptions and in practice, still lack urban areas’ level of attractiveness to work and live, the same level of (public) services, the same level of innovation in the economy and the same awareness of their own assets due to a lack of digital infrastructure, a lack of high-level (public) services, a gap in digital skills and competences, a lack of tailored smart actions and policies and a subsequent lack of economic opportunities that often result in instances of depopulation and economic decline.
Digitalization is an opportunity for rural and mountain areas to catch up with the assets urban centres have. One of the action of the SmartCommUnity project is to develop the Smartalps network in all the EUSALP countries.