
Good practies collection Guide

The SmartCommUnity project aims to empower rural areas in Europe by showcasing effective uses of smart technologies to promote sustainable development and enhance community identity. This <a href="https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:EU:c2773c39-fe88-4713-80bb-f2fb0fa2e755"><strong>collection of good practices</strong></a> offers valuable models from Lighthouse Test Areas (LTAs) to inspire and guide Follower Test Areas (FTAs) in implementing technology that improves services and supports local economies. Focusing on Alpine and mountain regions, the project encourages cross-border collaboration and knowledge sharing, fostering a collective vision for resilient rural communities. Ultimately, it aims to help rural areas turn challenges into opportunities for a sustainable and culturally rich future

SmartCommUnity Project with Innovation Technology Cluster Murska Sobota and DIH AGRIFOOD Showcase at AGRA 2024

<div class="et_pb_module et_pb_post_content et_pb_post_content_0_tb_body"> Gornja Radgona, Slovenia – At the 62nd International AGRA Fair, the Slovenian partners of the SmartCommUnity project, spearheaded by the Innovation Technology Cluster Murska Sobota, and part of the expansive DIH AGRIFOOD umbrella network, presented pioneering innovations in agriculture and food technology. This event underscored the latest advancements in production, breeding, and processing technologies, featuring elite global brands in agricultural and forestry machinery and food processing equipment. The Green Point Test Area (LTA), a crucial participant in the DIH AGRIFOOD network, highlighted their groundbreaking work in Food Safety, Traceability in Short Food Supply Chains, and Food Circularity. Distinguished by its digital innovations, Green Point employs IoT and Blockchain technologies to bolster traceability and transparency of local food products. In an exciting development, Green Point’s successful strategies are being extended to the Podravje region’s Following Test Area (FTA). The AGRA fair facilitated a meaningful exchange of knowledge and practices, as representatives from the Podravje region visited the Green Point booth, enhancing the interconnectivity within the DIH AGRIFOOD ecosystem. Serving as a Living Lab, Green Point invites consumer involvement in experimental research, offering platforms for testing new products, services, and solutions. These initiatives do not merely improve product traceability; they also strategically tackle food waste by repurposing surplus into value-added products. This collaborative extension between LTA and FTA signifies substantial progress in the regional connectivity and sustainable development initiatives driven by the Innovation Technology Cluster Murska Sobota under the DIH AGRIFOOD network. </div>

Third Project meeting of SmartCommUnity in the Valle d’Aosta Region

The third meeting of the Interreg Alpine Space SmartCommUnity project took place in Valle d’Aosta from 5 to 7 March. <span id="more-34651"></span>The objective was to deepen the methodologies and learn about good territorial practices dedicated to the creation of “smart”, sustainable and resilient communities in the Alps thanks to the use of digital technologies, with particular reference to the Gran Paradiso and Mont Avic test areas. <strong>Overview</strong> <ul> <li>Methodologies, participatory approaches and megatrend analysis to create smart communities: the study visit in the Gran Paradiso National Park and in the Mont Avic Regional Park</li> <li>Visions by youth schools participating in the Montagna 4.0 project on the future of the Alpine Space</li> <li>Good practices and common objectives with other European projects, More than a village (Central Europe) and Smart ERA (Horizon Europe), in favor of European mountain and rural areas</li> </ul> The third meeting of the Interreg Alpine Space SmartCommUnity project took place in Valle d’Aosta from 5 to 7 March. The objective was to deepen the methodologies and learn about good territorial practices dedicated to the creation of “smart”, sustainable and resilient communities in the Alps thanks to the use of digital technologies, with particular reference to the Gran Paradiso and Mont Avic test areas. The project partnership, made up of 12 partners from 6 states (Austria, Italy, France, Germany, Slovenia and Switzerland) met the stakeholders of the test areas in Valle d’Aosta Region, young high school students participating in the Montagna 4.0 project, members of the EUSALP Youth Council and representatives of the European projects More than a village (Central Europe) and Smart ERA (Horizon Europe) to dialogue on views and ideas for smarter, more inclusive, attractive rural and mountain communities. The school Youth from the “Montagna 4.0 – FUTURe ALPS” project, which includes 250 students from Valtellina (Lombardia Region), Valle d’Aosta Region, Trentino (Trentino Alto Adige Region) and Carnia (Friuli Venezia Giulia Region), presented the fruits of their training path in contact with local entrepreneurs dedicated to the themes of environmental sustainability, tourism, innovation in the mountain regions. Members of the three European projects spoke with the young people with questions, suggestions and “encouragements” to continue activities undertaken. The three projects’ partners focused on the smart community definition at European level as a common starting point to elaborate new methodologies, best practices and policy recommendations through also the connection with other Macro-regional strategies. Thanks to the workshop “Introduction to “systemic reading” for in-depth understanding of case studies and good practices” partners explored the most effective methodologies and approaches to achieve the project objectives. The second day was dedicated to discovering the good practices implemented by Fondation Grand Paradis thanks to interregional cooperation projects, in the Gran Paradiso National Park, chosen as a Lighthouse Area by the Valle d’Aosta Autonomous Region. Luisa Vuillermoz, director of the Fondation Grand Paradis, presented to the partnership innovative solutions applied to sustainable tourism: among the good practices presented, the Visit Gran Paradiso app accompanied the group on a visit to the Villaggio Minatori in Cogne and to the frozen waterfalls of Lillaz. The partners were able to get to know the Gran Paradiso Film Festival, in particular the GPFF Online section, they experienced the virtual ascent to the Gran Paradiso with the “Gran Paradiso VR – The experience of nature” station and they tested the e-MTBs of the “ITER” and “Rêve” projects for sustainable mobility. The Foundation, via the SmartCommUnity project, intends to reach new objectives through digital tools: other virtual experiences other virtual experiences to raise awareness of the natural beauty of the Gran Paradiso Park and a digital assistant creation, using artificial intelligence, which can guarantee tourism promotion and environmental awareness. Moreover, all project partners presented their activities in Lighthouse test areas and Follower Test Areas aimed to smart transition with innovative methodologies and approaches that involve stakeholders to make them protagonists of this change. Rocco Scolozzi (partner-founder of the startup -skopìa Anticipation Services, member of the Association of Professional Futurists and of the System Dynamics Society) involved the Consortium in a participative workshop on megatrends that helped partners to focus on possible future scenarios. On the third day partners visited the Mont Avic Natural Park and the Megalithic Area of ​​Saint-Martin-de-Corléans. Daniele Stellin, director of the Mont Avic regional park, described the technologies used in the park and the ongoing initiatives also through the support of audio guide and QR code on site. Accompanied by a park ranger, the participants tested the iNaturalist app and the sensors used to detect the numerous passages. The Visitor Center of the Mont Avic Park in Covarey hosted the latest project workshops aimed at supporting the development of innovative initiatives in the pilot areas of the project. Finally, in the Megalithic Area, the group was able to try the new virtual reality viewers to go back up to 4000 years in time thanks to digital technologies. <strong>Interviews</strong> <strong><em>Luciano Caveri, Councilor for European Policies, Innovation, PNRR and National Mountain Policies for the Valle d’Aosta Region: </em></strong>“Mountains suffer from depopulation dynamics and climate change: we must not be catastrophists, but we must respond with alliances, creating collaborations across the entire Alpine Space thanks to opportunities offered by the various European programs and the synergies created through EUSALP, the European strategy for the Alpine macro-region. Valle d’Aosta Region has always been profoundly European and enthusiastically welcomes SmartCommUnity project which looks at all the future opportunities offered by digitalization as an unmissable development lever opportunity to promote the territorial and social cohesion, supporting local communities towards a smart community approach”. <strong><em>Gianluca Lentini, researcher at Poliedra, Consortium of the Polytechnic of Milan (IT)  – SmartCommUnity project partner</em></strong>: “Over the last few years, I have worked a lot on the topic of rural mountain communities and as a facilitator of their digital transition. During the SmartCommUnity project we arrived at two definitions of what a “smart community” is. A very complex, somewhat academic definition, which says that smart communities are communities in rural areas that are proud of their identity, their craftsmanship, their innovation capabilities and take charge of a holistic transition of the territory by also use of all digital technologies. A simpler definition that we have put at the service of our local communities, of our test areas, simply says that a smart community is a conscious community that wants to improve its existence by making use of all the information, all the communication methods that also innovative technologies make available. We have naturally translated these two definitions, the more complex one and the less complex one, into the languages ​​of the Alpine space and now we have also extended these definitions to serve two other European projects. A Central Europe project called More than a village and a Horizon Europe project called Smart Era.” <strong><em>Niklas Graf, member of the EUSALP European Youth Council and representative for the country of Austria</em></strong><em>:</em>”European countries should learn from themselves, so it shouldn’t be a competition. Who’s the best one, who’s the fastest one, in terms of digitalisation. So, countries should get together, talk about they’re stronger countries, they’re less strong countries in terms of digitalization, and they should help everyone to get forward in this topic. And I think it’s also very important, and that’s what I’m going to say as a youth council, that you bring young brains into the digitalisation process, because it’s for the future and it is for the young people. We’re going to have the advantages in the future if the digitalisation goes forward in the one space”. - <strong>The SmartCommUnity project  </strong> Partners: University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) LEAD PARTNER, Poliedra (Italia), ANCI Liguria (Italia), Standortagentur Tirol GmbH (Austria), Regionalverband Südlicher Oberrhein (Germania), ITC – Innovation Technology Cluster Murska Sobota (Slovenia), ADRETS (Francia), Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta – Struttura Sistemi tecnologici del Dipartimento innovazione e agenda digitale (Italia), Swiss Center for mountain regions SAB (Svizzera), Energy and Environment Agency of Lower Austria (Austria), Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH (Austria), Region Lucerne West (Svizzera). SmartCommUnity aims to create a transnational community to change both the practices and perceptions of smart rural areas. In close cooperation with the European Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP), the project partners will facilitate capacity building of rural areas, promote existing digital tools and solutions and develop innovative and interactive digital tools to foster the “smart transition” of Alpine areas creating a smarter, greener, more sustainable, resilient, and attractive rural areas. More information <a href="https://www.alpine-space.eu/project/smartcommunity/">https://www.alpine-space.eu/project/smartcommunity/</a>

SmartCommUnity project meeting in the Autonomous Region of Valle d’Aosta

The Autonomous Region of Valle d’Aosta will host the SmartCommunity project from 5th to 7th of March. During the meeting, that involve the project Consortium, stakeholders, school youth and members of other europen projects, will be addressed the topic of smart communities definition. The project partner <em>Autonomous Region of Valle d’Aosta</em> and the project Consortium will propose a “study visit workshop” with the introduction to “systemic reading” for in-depth understanding of case studies and good practices. Moreover participants will discover good practices in the Gran Paradiso area and smart transition process in the test areas of the Region. A study visit on best practices in Cogne will make it possible to raise awareness of the Aosta Valley smart communities, their needs and their objectives.

Smart communities for a smart environment in Lower Austria

Travelling exhibition on climate change is one of the awareness activities of <a tabindex="0" role="link" href="https://www.facebook.com/enuagentur?__cft__[0]=AZVBjEkfT9OnADfvkUi7Zh1xVlO0mDFy38MLuRxaBxuZyhyAYDFWIa_nnil0KIOpwMnTABXZdc68W7N-PY-X5IB-83GxJVsw5HKWAjY3xNSolf3odX3V08TifsXJV5fx-lU&__tn__=-]K-R">Energie- und Umweltagentur Niederösterreich, </a>partner of the <a tabindex="0" role="link" href="https://www.facebook.com/smartcommunityproject?__cft__[0]=AZVBjEkfT9OnADfvkUi7Zh1xVlO0mDFy38MLuRxaBxuZyhyAYDFWIa_nnil0KIOpwMnTABXZdc68W7N-PY-X5IB-83GxJVsw5HKWAjY3xNSolf3odX3V08TifsXJV5fx-lU&__tn__=-]K-R">Smartcommunity project</a> (smart environment dimension). The travelling exhibition “Climate & Me” makes a stop in Großrußbach and has answers to many questions, while at the same time motivating visitors to act in a climate-friendly way. It explains in a factually sound way what people can do to maintain our good quality of life in the future. The exhibition was conceived by the eNu as an international touring exhibition in cooperation with the Department of Art and Culture of Lower Austria, the Museum of Lower Austria and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Digital Alps Conference

<span class="break-words "><span dir="ltr">Digital Alps Conference (5-6 October) workshops on empowering smart communities with data and AI  in the face of climate and work pattern changes paired with a political vision on the future of digitalizing Alpine areas  (EUSALP - EUSALP Action Group 5) took place on the highest levels (3466m altitude to be exact), just below Monte Bianco / Mont Blanc.</span></span> <span class="break-words "><span dir="ltr">It was an extraordinary experience and a great venue to meet old and new friends of the Interreg Alpine Space SmartCommUnity project.</span></span>

We are starting

Dear friends, We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand-new website! With great excitement, we share this news with you as we embark on a journey to bring you all the latest updates and information about Smart Villages. In today's fast-paced world, Smart Villages have gained tremendous significance. It encompasses integrating advanced technologies, sustainable practices, and innovative solutions to enhance the quality of life in rural communities. Our platform aims to be a comprehensive resource for all things related to Smart Villages, providing valuable insights and opportunities to engage with this transformative movement. Stay tuned!


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Webinar SmartAlps «Digital communication platforms for municipalities – an exchange of expériences»

On the 27th of November the 4th SmartAlps Webinar on «Digital communication platforms for municipalities» took place. 2 presenters revealed the factors that are important to ensure a successful implementation and sustainable operation of such platforms. Thanks to Bernd Kalbermatten – general secretary of the Swiss municipality of Saas Fee –  the participants discovered the setting up of a digital communication platform and the main steps in community building that should accompany such a project. Dominik Magin from the Fraunhofer (IESE) Germany presented experiences from different regions in Germany on how the provision of services of general interest could be improved via the «DorfFunk» Application. Presentations and webinar notes are avabilable here: <ul> <li><a href="https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:EU:fbca7ef4-a437-4b01-af7d-5793faeccd82">Digitale Daseinsvorsorge am Beispiel des DorfFunks</a></li> <li><a href="https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:EU:b779a859-ddf3-48f1-a171-7a125709d69b">Digital Communication platformSaas Fee</a></li> <li><a href="https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:EU:5a101ef0-c82f-4b2f-b8bb-e0f46c9cc86e">SmartAlps Webinar on “communication platforms”</a></li> </ul>

Water Portal has been inaugurated!

On November 28th, the <strong>Water Portal</strong> was inaugurated in the Municipality of Cogorno (Lighthouse Test Area), marking the start of an innovative journey toward creating a unique public facility! Thanks<strong> SmartCommUnity</strong> <strong>project</strong>, an eco-sustainable hub equipped with interactive digital tools will be developed. This space will be dedicated to training and career guidance for young people and students, featuring educational and formative initiatives with a focus on the future!

Test Areas in the Communauté de communes des Baronnies en Drôme Provençale and the Communauté de communes du Guillestrois-Queyras

During the study visit organised in September, the French SmartCommunity partner ADRETS and its test areas, the Communauté de communes des Baronnies en Drôme Provençale and the Communauté de communes du Guillestrois-Queyras, had the opportunity to present their territory and ongoing activities. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/@AssociationAdrets">Youtube: French Test Areas</a>

Webinar SmartAlps «Digital communication platforms for municipalities – an exchange of expériences »

<div> Communication between municipalities and citizens has evolved! Traditional channels like local gazettes and notice boards are no longer enough, and even a website can’t fully foster engagement and exchange. So, how can municipalities ensure real involvement in community life and local politics today? On 27th of November 2024, 13.00-14.30h will be held  a webinar to discover how digital communication platforms can enhance citizen participation and facilitate a social dialogue. Insights and real-life examples on how to successfully implement and manage these tools  will be share. Please register till the 22nd of November 2024 with the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIocemtpj8uGdHMz-z5Ew5Ym_hMF2qkq5ZI </div>

15-16 October 2024 4th SmartCommUnity project meeting in Standortagentur Tirol

<div class="et_pb_section et_pb_section_2_tb_body et_pb_with_background et_section_regular"> <div class="et_pb_row et_pb_row_2_tb_body et_pb_row_1-4_3-4"> <div class="et_pb_column et_pb_column_3_4 et_pb_column_4_tb_body et_pb_css_mix_blend_mode_passthrough et-last-child"> <div class="et_pb_module et_pb_post_content et_pb_post_content_0_tb_body"> The partners met for two days from 15 to 16 October, in Lienz and Amlach, to share the projects implemented in the territories to change perceptions and create a smart vision for the Alps. The program included  “Interactive Workshop on Megatrends and Future Technologies with Students” and “A Systems Thinking Workshop to identify and amplify Key Conditions for Innovation”. The partners participated in a very interesting and stimulating study-visit to a highly technological sawmill in the area which adopts a fully automated production process. </div> </div> </div> </div>

Gamification to engage smartcommunities – guidelines

The SmartCommunity project aims to support Alpine rural areas through digitalisation and the creation of smart, sustainable and resilient communities. The work package “Innovation Tools for SmartCommUnity” (one of the workpackage of the SmartCommUnity project ) have developed this tool for the TAs involved in the project to support them in implementing gamification techniques on their own scale and to help them understand this approach. <a href="https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:EU:519b6d09-a1b0-43ec-9c45-f4162369e2ce">The guidelines for gamification</a> defined as the use of game mechanics in non-game contexts to increase motivation and engagement of participants. Gamification can be useful for engaging local communities, developing creativity and collecting data. The guidelines stress the importance of setting clear objectives before adopting these techniques, which can range from using serious games to offering incentives during events. Key principles to follow include creating a common story, providing continuous feedback to participants, using rewards to maintain motivation and the importance of promoting social interaction. A gradual approach helps to avoid participants becoming bored or demotivated.

18th September 2024: The Digital Alps Conference

<div class="et_pb_module et_pb_post_content et_pb_post_content_0_tb_body"> <div class="xdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs x126k92a"> <div dir="auto">18th September 2024: The Digital Alps Conference stands as a pivotal event under the Macro-regional strategy for the Alpine area (EUSALP), focusing on digital transformation in the alpine arc. Initiated by EUSALP’s Action Group 5, the conference aims to consolidate digital initiatives and projects to maximize their potential.</div> <div dir="auto"></div> </div> <div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s x126k92a"> <div dir="auto">Don’t miss the workshops:</div> <ul> <li dir="auto">“Opportunities for digital transformation of rural territories: the role of macro-regional strategies”</li> <li dir="auto">“New ways of work to encourage the settlement of youth in mountain areas”</li> </ul> <div dir="auto"></div> </div> <div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s x126k92a"> <div dir="auto">For more information about past editions, visit the official Digital Alps website <span class="html-span xdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs"><a class="x1i10hfl xjbqb8w x1ejq31n xd10rxx x1sy0etr x17r0tee x972fbf xcfux6l x1qhh985 xm0m39n x9f619 x1ypdohk xt0psk2 xe8uvvx xdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x16tdsg8 x1hl2dhg xggy1nq x1a2a7pz x1sur9pj xkrqix3 x1fey0fg" tabindex="0" role="link" href="https://digitalalps.eu/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3GIjayJ_Oot-AF2pxZ12RBHYxrsD8EA0hGuaO0quApgVCEes_JiANU83w_aem_zff5-VBO8qzBO_y6CWLoyw" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">https://digitalalps.eu/</a></span></div> </div> </div>

‘Village of the Future’ workshop – Test regions of Lower Austria

In the test regions of Lower Austria, local representatives and the population are jointly exploring creative approaches to improve life in rural areas. During the ‘Village of the Future’ workshop, they develop ideas on how climate adaptation and climate protection can positively transform life in villages and rural regions. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNfHesGncbE">‘Village of the Future’ workshop</a>

Lighthouse Test Area in the Municipality of Cogorno

In SmartCommUnity project Anci Liguria is creating in the Lighthouse Test Area in the Municipality of Cogorno a digital space for young students. This digital space will help them to find innovative  professional profiles regarding the climate change works. The young people can learn about that through a digital game. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg3mgx95duQ">Lighthouse Test Area in the Municipality of Cogorno</a>

Newsletter #1, April 2024

<div> SmartCommUnity partnership created the 1st Newsletter. The Newsletter #1 contains: <ul> <li>Topics of the project;</li> <li>Partnership and pilot action;</li> <li>News and event: The SmartAlps Webinars, European Week of Regions and Cities, SmartCommUnity project meetings.</li> </ul> SmartCommUnity aims to create a transnational community to change both the practices and perceptions of smart rural areas. Click <a href="https://alisei.anciliguria.it/attach/page/download/171">here</a> to download the Newsletter #1. </div>

Mobility solutions in the Alps: the second SmartAlps Webinar

Today took place the SmartAlps Webinar on “Mobility solutions in the alps – an experience organized by the Swiss Center for Mountain Regions – SAB, partner of the SmartCommUnity project. Improving the mobility offer is a high priority for many municipalities, it creates an important link to other basic services and is important for economic development and leisure activities. In this webinar municipalities and other public authorities, gained insight into the most important steps of mobility service development in a municipality and what a successful community call-a-bus system can look like. Thanks to Tina Keller – Trafiko Mobility Consulting, local actors discovered the setting up a mobility offer in the Region Lucerne West and the main steps in participation and learnings for municipalities. Andreas Kronawitter – Managing director of Mybuxi mobility systems shown the best practices of “mybuxi” – a widely implemented call bus system using digital technologies to a maximum. During the session participants also exchanged experiences and best practices on mobility finding solutions to problems on governance, financing and planning activities. Presentations and webinar notes are avabilable here: <ul> <li><a href="https://smart-alps.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Mybuxi_SmartAlpsWebinar_call-bus-systems20240325red.pdf">Mybuxi_SmartAlpsWebinar_call bus systems20240325red</a></li> <li><a href="https://smart-alps.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Plenary-discussion-webinar-mobility-20240325.pdf">Plenary discussion webinar mobility 20240325</a></li> <li><a href="https://smart-alps.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Trafiko_SmartAlpsWebinar_building-new-mobility-offers20240325.pdf">Trafiko_SmartAlpsWebinar_building new mobility offers20240325</a></li> <li><a href="https://smart-alps.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/webinar-mobility-2024-03-22-11_13-AM_Seite-1-1.pdf">webinar-mobility-2024-03-22-11_13-AM_Seite-1-1</a></li> </ul>

The SmartCommUnity project presentation at the Regional Assembly of the Regionalverband Südlicher Oberrehein

The SmartCommunity project and its local implementation in follower test areas were presented at the Regional Assembly of the Regionalverband Südlicher Oberrehein on December 2023: 80 councillors took part in the event that brought the topic of “smart communities” to the political stage and created political acceptance for the topic in the Region.

Poliedra’s activities in SmartCommUnity

One of the ambitions of <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/consorzio-poliedra/">Consorzio Poliedra</a> is to widen the base of institutions and entities cooperating and striving to make rural and mountain areas attractive, re-attractive, lively and lived for all generations. To this end, Poliedra has been one of the leading forces behind SmartCommUnity, its conception and preparation, and has contributed to create the rationale of the project, its WPs and the structure with lighthouse and follower test areas. Poliedra curates the methodological framework of the project, has organised workshops to create a shared definition of what a smart community is, to organise the work of the regional stakeholder groups and to guarantee, together with the Lead Partner University of Ljubljana, effective links between the three WPs and the partners. Poliedra has presented and represented SmartCommUnity on several occasions in both Italian and international events: most namely, at EUSALP level, with the Italian members of mountain-related institutions (in the Alps and the Appennines), and within two main projects, Interreg Central Europe <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/more-than-a-village/">More than a Village</a> and <a href="https://futurealps.it/">Montagna 4.0 Future Alps</a>. The overall ambition of Poliedra is to create effective change in mountain and rural areas by making full use of synergies between projects and initiatives, with the ultimate end to give mountain and rural community an actual voice in leading their own future.

Connecting the digital platform, data approach and pilot actions

3 new deliverables have been produced by the Alpine Space SmartCommUnity partherhip that intertwine the project work in different aspects of integration to produce set project outputs. <ul> <li><a href="https://smart-alps.eu/smartcommunity-deliverables/SC_WPIT_D3-2-1_Platform.pdf">Report on the expansion of the Smart Villages platform</a></li> <li><a href="https://smart-alps.eu/smartcommunity-deliverables/SC_WPTAN_D2-1-1_DataApproach.pdf">Report and Guidelines on Community Based Data Approach</a></li> <li><a href="https://smart-alps.eu/smartcommunity-deliverables/SC_WPTAN_D2-1-2_LTAs_and_FTAs.pdf">Report on Structuring the work of LTAs and FTAs</a></li> </ul>

SmartAlps webinar on “Coworking spaces in the alps – an experience exchange.”

The second SmartAlps webinar on “Coworking spaces in the alps – an experience exchange.” has been organized by the SmartCommunity partner Swiss center for mountain regions www.sab.ch and took place on the 31st of October 2023. The seminar dealt with questions like “What are factors that are important for a successful realization and sustainable operation of a coworking space? What are possible sponsors and how can they be supported by the municipality/region?”. As an introduction we had two interventions, one from Ms Charlotte Eidenbenz cofounder of the coworking space in Nyons (France) (<a href="https://www.facebook.com/coworkingnyons/">https://www.facebook.com/coworkingnyons/</a>) and one of Roger Aeschbach, managing director at CommunityOffice (<a href="https://www.communityoffice.ch/">https://www.communityoffice.ch/</a>) . Charlotte Eidenbenz described in her speech how they started running a coworking space in Nyons and how they want to develop it further. For the next three years the realisation of an enlarged shared office place, a flat, a meeting-conference room, a shared kitchen, adjustable spaces indoors and outdoor for events, a building for storing materials (wood/metal) and 2 low tech labs is planned. The whole concept is strongly influenced by DIY (do it yourself) so the community built around the project is developing the project in a participative way and is partly also building the infrastructure in a joint action. Furthermore, in the tech labs unused material from the local building industry is being recycled/upcycled. In his presentation, Roger Aeschbach underlined the importance of participation as a cornerstone for the development of a coworking space and a clearly structured process design with professional guidance. A modular development model is very helpful in guiding non-linear “Bottom-Up” processes (see also <a href="https://www.communityoffice.ch/processes-index">https://www.communityoffice.ch/processes-index</a>). In addition, he described different possible orientations of coworking spaces with either a focus on the local population in municipalities eg.: <ul> <li>Ernen: https://coworking-ernen.ch/, https://www.communityoffice.ch/cwt3</li> <li>Trogen: <a href="https://trogen.work/">https://trogen.work/</a></li> <li>Teufen: <a href="https://www.teufen-schafft.ch/">https://www.teufen-schafft.ch/</a></li> <li>Herisau: <a href="https://coworking-herisau.ch">https://coworking-herisau.ch</a></li> </ul> A focus on tourism: <ul> <li>Municipalities of Finhaut and Saint-Maurice VS (coworking activities are hosted by the tourist office).</li> <li>Adelboden “Mountain Lab” as a combination of tourism office & coworking space,(<a href="https://www.communityoffice.ch/cwt2">https://www.communityoffice.ch/cwt2</a>)</li> </ul> A focus on the living space and innovation <ul> <li>UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch (Swiss Regional Park): <a href="https://die-sphaere.ch">https://die-sphaere.ch</a></li> <li>Zukunft-Raum Schwarzwald: <a href="https://www.zukunft-raum-schwarzwald.de">https://www.zukunft-raum-schwarzwald.de</a></li> </ul> After these inputs a discussion on success factors and opportunities for municipalities and regions for the implementation of coworking spaces in national language groups followed. The results are documented in the <a href="https://smart-alps.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/WhiteboardSmartAlps-Webinar-Coworking-2023-10-30-03_37-PM.pdf">whiteboard (pdf)</a>.   <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2326" src="https://smart-alps.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/WhiteboardSmartAlps-Webinar-Coworking-2023-10-30-03_37-PM.jpg" alt="" width="1600" height="917" />

European Week of Regions and Cities: SmartCommUnity presentation

<span class="break-words "><span dir="ltr">The SmartCommUnity project was presented during a policy lab of the EWRC 2023 in Brussels - programme available here: <a href="https://regions-and-cities.europa.eu/programme/2023/programme/891">https://regions-and-cities.europa.eu/programme/2023/programme/891</a>. </span></span> <span class="break-words "><span dir="ltr">Elsa Vacheron from the SmartCommUnity Partner ADRETS was talking on how they interact with local stakeholders in their test areas, form smart communities and develop together projects. </span></span> <span class="break-words "><span dir="ltr">Further interesting inputs were ocurring on the topic of digital smartness assessment from the side of ESPON Programme <a href="https://regions-and-cities.europa.eu/programme/2023/sessions/4195">LORDIMAS</a> project  and <a href="https://www.auroral.eu/#/">AURORAL</a>.</span></span>

Register to Smart Alps Network webinar on 31.10.

<span class="break-words "><span dir="ltr">The next SmartAlps Network webinar will take place on October 31st from 11.30h to approx. 13.00h in the context of the smart community project on the topic of "Coworking spaces". Register by October 26 at the latest using the following link: <a href="https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkdumrrz0sGdQ8-c8bVLD6dxr952JzWQTL#/registration">https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkdumrrz0sGdQ8-c8bVLD6dxr952JzWQTL#/registration.</a></span></span>

SmartCommUnity meeting in Willisau, Switzerland

The project partners of a Interreg Alpine Space SmartCommUnity project convened for an insightful meeting in Willisau, Switzerland on 13. and 14. September 2023. The meeting, chaired by the project coordinators from University of Ljubljana and hosted by Luzerne – Region West, featured presentations, discussions, workshops and decision-making on various project-related activities and current progress. <a href="https://smart-alps.eu/smartcommunity-meeting-in-willisau-switzerland/#more-2305" class="more-link"><span aria-label="Continue reading SmartCommUnity meeting in Willisau, Switzerland">(more…)</span></a>

After the first SmartAlps webinar: review and plans for the future

On 28<sup>th</sup> of June, the first SmartAlps webinar took place. With participants, coming from different Alpine countries, the webinar addressed the issues and challenges of how to develop a smart community. In this regard, the webinar was divided into 5 sections: with introduction to the SmartAlps network, which was provided by Peter Niederer from SAB (Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die Berggebiete). The presentation of the specifics of the SmartAlps network was followed by Gianluca Lentini from Poliedra Milano, who introduced the participants the Smart Community definition/approach. Because the webinar was co-organized in cooperation with the <a href="https://www.alpine-space.eu/project/smartcommunity/">SmartCommUnity project</a>, which aspires to work with communities not in abstract, but in concrete ways, taking into account concrete needs of the people living in alpine areas, the word was given to Janja Viher from the Kungota Municipality, who presented Kungota Smart Village as a best practice, in particular, how they work with the communities and their stakeholders. Viher’ s presentation was taken as a starting point for the “practical session” of the webinar, where participants were divided into two Zoom breakout rooms, based on their language origin. The breakout rooms served as a platform for discussing of how to successfully build smart communities, taking into account Viher’s presentation, which proposed future steps as well: <ol> <li style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal;">Policy responses with building network capacity</li> <li>Technical assistance with digital training, skill training</li> <li>Financial a</li> <li>Development & Research for innovative solution and Smart solution</li> <li>Promote sustainable tourism</li> </ol> Besides testing the proposed SmartCommUnity definition, perhaps one of the most important contribution of the webinar was, that no matter the origin of the communities, they all share similar challenges, i.e. of how to involve different communities and stakeholders to work for the common goals, creating an atmosphere of trust and how to foster the type of governance which will enhance overall cooperation. In this manner, participants agreed, that such events are key in developing smart and sustainable digital transformation in rural areas. You can find additional documents from the SmartAlps webinar here: <ul> <li><a href="https://smart-alps.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Smart-Villages-ZIP-JUNE2023.pdf">Smart Villages ZIP June 2023.pdf</a></li> <li><a href="https://smart-alps.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/SmartCommUnity-SmartAlps-Presentation20230628.pdf">SmartCommUnity- SmartAlps Presentation20230628.pdf</a></li> <li><a href="https://smart-alps.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/SmartCommUnity-Approach-and-definition-Lentini.pdf">SmartCommUnity-Approach and definition - Lentini.pdf</a></li> <li><a href="https://smart-alps.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/whiteboard-28.6.2023fin.pdf">Whiteboard 28.6.2023fin.pdf</a></li> </ul>