Smart Governance
Smart Governance
Gem2Go is an Austrian mobile citizen service app. The inhabitant can find a lot of information and news about his or her community in the app. The community can share rapid information with the inhabitans.
Key Conditions for Success
interesting content which is produced and distributed by the communities
Key Steps for Activity Implementation
programming the app concerning the needs of the municipality; train the employees for using the app and generating content; advertisment of the app
Difficulties Encountered
inhabitans do not have smart phones or do not know how to use them (especially elderly people). Employees at the communities do not produce interesting content for the app.
Resources Needed
App; internet; content; people you are writing information into the app; inhabitans who are installing the app on their mobile phone
Visit the project website for more details or contact the author.
Organisation: Standortagentur Tirol GmbH
Julia Scharting