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Smart economy

Phoster swimming platform

Phoster swimming platform is a startup ecosystem that markets floating plant filters.Planted floating platforms form a root filter system in the water, which supports the natural purification of the water. At the root surface, biological processes (biofilm) bind both particulate and dissolved substances in the water. The root surface reaches more than 100m^2 per m^2 of floating platform and is therefore much more efficient in absorbing substances than comparable methods on land. An additional advantage is the cleaning directly on the water surface. It is therefore not in competition with activities on land.Phoster swimming platforms are made of biodegradable materials and are clearly more environmentally friendly. A novelty is the concept of a completely organic structure. The products are cost-effective to build and operate. Their properties open up new markets in the fields of aquaponics systems, water stabilization and partial cleaning in artificial waters and facilities.The aesthetic aspect is also in the foreground. Thus, water purification should also be perceived as a design object in a pond and not just as a technical measure for purifying the water. Thus, in the development of swimming platforms, great attention is paid to their design. 1m^2 Phoster swimming platforms work just as efficiently as 5m^2 bank area or compensation area in swimming ponds. This makes it possible to create swimming ponds with biological water quality in a smaller area.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area

Smart mobility


Taxito is a ride-along system that's been in use in the Napf area since June 2015. It is a supplement to public transport and makes existing capacities in individual transport easily accessible to the general public. In rural areas, weak demand is a major challenge in expanding the public transport offer above the legally established basic offer. Taxito has a low entry hurdle thanks to its easy handling. The Lucerne Transport Authority (VVL) promotes digitisation and sharing projects. Taxito can be seen as a forerunner of autonomous systems or vehicles, since a platform is used to combine journey requests with driving performance. The communities of Luthern and Zell and the city of Willisau actively contribute to the use and awareness of Taxito.The number of trips arranged has increased continuously since its launch to 928 trips in 2018. Compared to the previous year, this is an increase of 100 trips. Also in 2018 no accidents, incidents or damages were reported.At the end of 2017, Taxito passengers waited an average of less than three minutes before being given a lift by a driver. In 2018, the average waiting time was reduced to 2.5 minutes. Contrary to expectations, waiting times also remain short at taxito points with low vehicle frequency.Waiting is at the so-called Taxito-Point. These are marked with display boards where the desired destinations are immediately recognisable. The user enters his destination at the Taxito-Point and it is displayed on the board. This way the driver can immediately see where the waiting person wants to be taken. Thanks to solar and mobile technology, the panels are independent of the mains supply, so there are no additional costs for positioning or relocation.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area

Smart governance

SmartVillages participation process in the municipality of Pontresina

The municipality of Pontresina has decided to take part in the participation process developed by the Swiss Association for Mountain Regions (SAB) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs as part of the Smart Villages NRP pilot programme.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Active working people

Smart mobility

Participation process SmartVillages in the Viamala region

4 communities in the Viamala region - Thusis, Cazis, Andeer, Rheinwald - took part in the participation process. They were test communities for all 19 communities in the region. The process was coordinated by the region. The Viamala region is an administrative unit of the canton of Graubünden that was created as a result of the local government reform on January 1, 2016.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Students, Active working people

Smart living

A multi-services hub: both living lab, innovation and digitalization support center, and postal agency.

The Val Guiers territory in Savoie (France) has set up a structuring project to enhance its offer of services to the population and services dedicated to digital inclusion, within a former general post office building that has been specially renovated for the purpose in 2020. The facility will combine 4 activities with high social added value : a service center to support the process administrative or job search, a space for digital practices, a postal agency an incubator and place of initiative for the inhabitants
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart mobility

Opération ZOE: a local e-car sharing system

The citizen company SAS Centrales Villageoises VercorSoleiL, specialized in the production of renewable energies, decided within the Ecological Transition Contract of the Community of Communes of Royans-Vercors by purchasing a ZOE e-car to experiment and launch an E-car sharing service to the inhabitants of the South-Vercors moutaneous area.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart governance

Echo des Falaises : a French Smart Village local Online Collaborative Platform

Echo des Falaises is a local Online collaborative platform that functions aims at facilitate the networking of local organizations and inhabitants, the scale-up of individual or collective initiatives that meet this Smart Village needs for engaging ecological, social and digital transitions.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart economy

Fibre optic network in Luthern – a backbone for digitalisation

The project foresees that all buildings in Luthern will be connected to the glass fiber network by the end of 2022, but on a voluntary basis. Residents and businesses would have to contribute to the initial costs with a one-time connection fee. Subsequently, a monthly connection fee will be due, as is the case today with most cable connections (TV, telephone, etc.).
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart economy


The Bike-Flowtrail in Marbach is a bike path for everyone, maintained by the Sportbahnen Marbachegg, as a new, attractive summer offer with bike transport by gondola. A “flow trail” can be ridden by trained bikers as well as by the whole family: the route, which follows the natural terrain, allows biking without braking in wide bends and thus triggers the feeling of a “flow” for bikers. In addition, this new offer counters the snow uncertainty for a ski area at just 1500 m because it attracts a new target group. In this way, the tourist added value, jobs in the community and the future of the Sportbahnen Marbachegg AG as a tourist driving force for the entire region are secured.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Youth, Students

Smart governance


a mobile citizen service app
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart mobility

Ridesharing platform Ummadum

ummadum - an innovative toolfor reducing traffic in municipalities
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart economy

KMU Digital – Smart tourism

raising awareness among hoteliers concerning the topic digitalisation
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Active working people

Smart governance

Digital Pitztal – strategy for a digital valley

helping the municipalities and other stakeholders to create a digital vision and digital keyprojects in the Pitztal
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Youth, Elderly, Active working people

Smart economy

Innovation Lab

For an Innovation lab a central location is perfect in order to guarantee accessibility for all citizens (e.g. commuters). The old railway station building in Löffingen was purchased by the municipality of Löffingen lends itself to establish as an Innovation Lab.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart environment

CEWAS – International center for water management services

cewas is an “international center for water management services”. As an international competence center for water management, cewas offers various access points: qualified specialists find professional support in establishing their businesses and existing technology or service providers can network with the cewas start-ups, participate in them and thus open up new markets. Investors can reduce their risks by having potential “investment recipients” supported by cewas;governmental and non-governmental organizations can train their employees at cewas and prepare them for new collaborations with the private sector.This project guarantees an inclusive and sustainable society.According to the "think global, act local"-principle, local value creation is promoted in order to develop market-oriented offers for the national and international demand for sustainable solutions in the water management sector. For cewas, the Lucerne West region offers interesting location factors, such as low-cost office spaces, low corporate taxes, and attractive living and leisure options for those involved in the start-ups.The cewas start-up program is unique in that it combines the provision of work infrastructure with thematic course modules and the personal support of the start-ups by renowned water experts. These not only provide their experience and knowledge from science and practice, but also secure the strategic and market-oriented development of start-up business ideas. Bringing together international teams (north-south partnerships) allows the KMU’s to benefit from the Swiss state of the art and science on the one hand and to act quickly in the target countries on the other. The individual course modules of the cewas training program are also open to individuals or organizations who benefit from this platform and can position themselves in the international water management market. Co-operations between cewas start-ups and existing companies in the water sector as well as university institutes in the inland and abroad are also supported.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart environment

Smart metering Upper Valais (Ried-Brig and Fieschertal)

The municipality of Ried-Brig did not have any water meters, consumption was not billed at tax points based on consumption. After a referendum at the end of 2017, the commissioning of electronic water meters could start. The electronic water meters were installed together with so-called smart meters - electricity meters that collect all consumption data and send it to the control center - in practically all households in the community. The advantage is that consumption can be recorded depending on consumption, no more meters have to be read in the households, the households only receive a bill for water, electricity, gas etc. from the electricity distributor and thus the municipal administration is relieved of reading and billing . The municipality of Fieschertal would like to follow the example of Ried Brig and has already prepared a technical roll out with the regional electricity distributor EW Goms. Electronic water meters and smart meters are to be installed there in 2021/2022.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Active working people

Smart economy

Blockchain-based digital transformation of a short food supply chain

A short food supply chain connects local farmers with local customers. However, beside the agriculture domain, this process also includes logistics, trading and dissemination. Even though the process is more individual and natural, it still needs more improvement in order to facilitate its acceptance from the broader local communities. Furthermore, even though interesting, the potential customers sometimes also lack the trust into such food, which in many cases is more expensive, while giving no real proof of its origin. To improve the process in terms of efficiency, traceability and trust, a digital transformation of the process, backed by blockchain technology is the best possible solution.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart economy

Mountain Lab Adelboden

On behalf of TALK AG, gutundgut integrated a co-working space in Adelboden and the Tourist Center under the roof of the Mountain Lab Adelboden. The Tourist Center in Adelboden has become an innovative open space where the staff of the Tourist Center and the ski school share space with independent entrepreneurs, digital nomads, and local talent.From the beginning of the project, it was important to involve the local population. Besides the co-working space, the Mountain Lab Adelboden offers external meeting rooms in various locations. In co-operation with hotels and vacation homeowners, a Coliving offer was developed. Together these three offers form an attractive opportunity to combine work with leisure time and support Adelboden in its positioning as an innovative place of tourism and work.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Students, Active working people

Smart environment

Smart Viticulture

Fostering sustainable development in agriculture, using IoT.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart economy

Meet The Local Producer Platform

New innovative way for conection of local farm holders and food producers with their consumers.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart mobility

“Citizen Taxi”

Especially in rural regions it is not always easy to be mobile. Often, people are dependent on their own cars. For older people, who are not able to drive a car anymore, it can be very difficult to get to the doctor or the bakery in the town-center on their own.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas

Smart mobility

Free bus in the park

During the period of lockdown caused by the COVID19 emergency, the provincial Public Transport Agency looked for innovative solutions to meet the new organisational and resident/worker needs. One mode of transport that worked perfectly was the one called °call the bus°, a Demand Responsive Transport service.The end of the lockdown and the slow resumption of travel made it possible to rethink this mode of transport not only for work but also for tourism.This new initiative has been strongly encouraged by the mayors of the Valli del SOL Municipalities, the Development Agency GAL Genovese, the Beigua Geopark and financed through the European project Alpine Space Smart Villages.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart economy

Regional and local fairs’ digitalization

Due to the covid-19 emergency it was necessary to face the need to carry out some events of territorial promotion through the digital mode, thus a new RSG was born consisting of two LAGs, Gal Genovese Development Agency and LAG Verde Mare, a company of digital services and two Expo Committees: Expo Alta Val Trebbia and Expo Fontanabuona Tigullio.This is an innovative solution that has ensured the creation of a digital platform for the promotion of artisan and tourist activities as part of these two local events, including EXPO FONTANABUONA TIGULLIO also recognized as a regional fair.GAL Genovese Development Agency is the organizer of this regional fair which takes place in Val Fontanabuona, a mountain area in eastern Liguria, and which attracts thousands of visitors every year. The fair receives each year a public funding by Liguria Region and Genoa Chamber of Commerce. Due to the pandemic the event seemed cancelled, but fortunately an innovative solution was found: a digital platform where users could found local products and services they need according to the e-commerce mode.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart economy


Jemlokalno (eng.: eating-local) is an application which connects local producers of food and beverages with local producers. It was developed as a solution to COVID issues in the first lock-down (april 2020), when local products were available, but logistics and information about availability was not present.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Active working people

Smart economy

Test phase for digital receipts in local retail stores

In Germany the so-called cash register receipt requirement (Kassensicherungsverordnung) was introduced on 1 January 2020. Since then it is mandatory that customers receive a receipt for every purchase. A test phase for a digital receipt, available in local retail stores in Löffingen is planned to be carried out in January 2021
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart economy

Innovation Lab

An Innovation Lab is a meeting place in a central location with a focus on business start-ups. Innovation Labs with integrated coworking spaces could create future-oriented places of work in Löffingen and promote a creative environment through cooperation between different working groups.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart people

Training of a Digital Pilot for the municipality administration (“Digitallotsen”)

Municipal administrations will further expand their smart digital offerings in the coming years. The demands on such a digital administration is enormous. However, it makes it possible to deal with administrative matters independent of time and place.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart governance

Strategy process in the municipality of Löffingen

A comprehensive strategy process for digitisation in rural areas includes a thorough analysis of the initial situation and local conditions to develop viable solutions based on practical experience. Within the strategy process, needs-oriented solutions are to be found and people are to be inspired to implement them.The entire strategy process in Löffingen consists of various steps, which in their entirety pursue a sustainable people-oriented development in all smartness categories.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart economy

La Jolie Colo, Digital Hub and Creative Lab

La Jolie Colo is a both a place and a rural development tool: it consists in a business hotel, a digital hub and a creative Lab dedicated to welcome Cultural companies on residency. The site offers 1000 m2 of shared offices and collaborative spaces + 2 hectares of land dedicated to organic agriculture. For 3 years now, it gives an operational tool to develop and implement new forms of local activities and organizations within a collaborative project. Governance of the facility involves local inhabitants and stakeholders that can share and create added-value for both economic and rural development, towards a more resilient and transition way of inhabit and work in the moutaneous Vercors natural regional park.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Youth, Elderly, Active working people

Smart mobility

Rezopouce Vercors : A digital app for car-sharing and safer hitchhiking

The Vercors Regional Natural Park in collaboration with two intermunicipalities (Royans-Vercors and the Vercors massif) has set up a hitchhiking system organized in 2018-2019. This system makes it possible to pool the use of individual vehicles by encouraging users to practice hitchhiking in a friendly and secure manner. A network of users, passengers or drivers is created, via a site allowing free registration, signage is installed at strategic points of the territory.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart living

Community discussion and future workshop to identify future topics

The community talk and the future workshop are two methods that were used in 4 communities in Upper Valais by the SAB and VillageOffice to collect the needs and ideas regarding future issues together with the interested population and to mobilize people to implement ideas.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart economy

B2B platform

The BSM brings together what belongs together - at the B2B level! The cooperation platform for the economy in the four-country region of Lake Constance is the link that is supposed to offer support to companies during and after the Corona pandemic. There, companies can search for the resources they need or offer free capacities and other services.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart mobility

On demand transportation – Collectif Bouge Tranquille

That group of citizens handles an on demand transportation system in the Royans territory (France).
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area

Smart governance

Citizens’ workshop Tengen – digital process

In order to simplify existing administrative processes for the citizens and the city, the Mayor of Tengen, Marian Schreier, organized a citizens' workshop in which the process of digital garbage can management was discussed. Until now, citizens had to personally visit the office to order, change or cancel the garbage cans. In the future, this process can be carried out online and conveniently from the PC at home.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart governance

Municipality Apps in Canton Wallis

5 small municipalities in the German speaking part of the Canton Wallis introduced municipality apps of two types. One is rather a messenger system between the local authorities and the citizens including clearly determined services such as News, Places, Events, Infos, Autostop und Photo-Reporter ( and the other is kind of a village facebook allowing users to group themselves around a multitude of specific topics of interest (
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart economy

Svečina – the heart among the vineyards and gastronomic excellence

Svečina, (German: Witschein) is a settlement in the western Slavic Hills (Slovene: Slovenske gorice) north of Plach in the Municipality of Kungota in northeastern Slovenia. The majority was attested in historical sources as Wetschin and Wetsine in 1197 Baetscheine in 1269, among other spellings). Locally, the settlement is known as Quantity. The name may be derived from the common noun * more 'council', with the initial s- possibly by association with the related word world 'advice'. In the past it was known as Witschein in German. There is a manor house in the settlement. Its foundations date to the 12th century, but the current building is late Renaissance dating to 1629 with a square floor plan and four corner turrets. It was built by the monks of St. Lambrecht's Abbey in Austria. Since 1936 it has been a secondary school, now belonging to the Agricultural College of Maribor. Notable people who were born or lived in Volume: • Andreas Perlach (1490–1551), court astrologer and chancellor of the University of Vienna Slovenske gorice, near the Slovenian-Austrian border, where the main activity of farms is focused on viticulture and fruit growing. We are known for the famous road, the heart among the vineyards; but this is only in space the actual picture of the hearty and kind people who have lived here for centuries and create a mosaic of recognition and excellence of Slovenian gastronomic richness, cultural heritage, rich natural landscape and famous people who were born here (* Andrej Perlach) or lived and lived here. They are all heroes!
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Youth, Elderly

Smart mobility

Experimental Project "Call the Bus"

Experimented project carried out in the Recco Valleys by ATP Exercise and the Municipality of Recco called "Call the Bus". The purpose is to avoid rides with empty vehicles by offering a transport service on call on reservation. This system provides a service more suited to the needs of users, allowing at the same time a decrease in management costs and waste. Experimental project carried out on the Recco Valleys by ATP Exercise and Comune di Recco called "Chiama il Bus". The purpose is to avoid rides with empty vehicles by offering a call-by-reservation transport service. This system provides a service that is better suited to the needs of users, allowing a decrease in management costs and waste.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart economy

Caseificio Val d’Aveto – Investing to sustain the local supply chain

A dairy company, in Val d'Aveto (Liguria), used RDP (Rural Development Programme) support to to add a new wing to the factory building, for the processing, packaging and storage of yoghurt. In this way, the investment reinforce the local supply chains and helps prevent the abandonment of the farming activity in the area thanks to the creation of new jobs.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Youth, Students, Active working people

Smart governance

strategy of the government of Tyrol to improve the digitalisation in the county
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Students, Active working people

Smart mobility

Prontobus RUMOBIL

Prontubus is a transport on-demand project with the aim of integrate the existing suburban public transport system in the Modena Province territory. Thanks to reservation system (by app and by call center) the aim is to offer a higher number of routes for the inhabitants of rural areas with the purpose of increasing the modal shift towards public transport.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Elderly, Students

Smart mobility

Nextbike: bike sharing system in rural territories in Austria

The main objective is the reduction of traffic in low-density areas by offering alternative means of transport such as bikes. Indeed, traffic is mainly responsible of greenhouse gases emissions. The aim of the project is to establish an easy hiring network of bike rental in order to make public transport more attractive. An other goal is offer a range of bikes, available round the clock, to support multimodal mobility.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Youth, Students, Active working people

Smart governance

Bed & Sports Willisau

Bed & Sports in Willisau is a new accommodation offer (inaugurated in January 2018), which is embedded in the existing accommodation offers in the Willisau region. The offer supports and demonstrates the importance of sports tourism and its value for the city and the entire region. Willisau has always been a hot spot for athletes from all over Switzerland; since 1972, the city operates a sports center of national importance. Thus, in Willisau, there are an indoor swimming pool, a swinging cellar, a hall for strength, gymnastics and wrestling, various athletics facilities, a 400-meter circular track, three soccer fields, a 4-field beach facility, a cable car and several gyms at disposal. So far, however, Willisau has mostly been lacking overnight offers with 4- and multi-bed rooms, as well as theory rooms for sports camps. Adjacent to the sports facilities, the athletes accommodation “Bed & Sports” with 106 beds, theory rooms and a fitness center has now been realized together with the city of Willisau. This project allows the continuous tourist promotion of the region, since these beds are also available to sport tourists (biking, hiking, etc.). With the expansion of overnight accommodation in the affordable price segment, the sports facilities can be used even better, which has a positive effect on operating costs.Every year, over 20,000 athletes benefit of these accommodation options at the Willisau sports center. This offer is also used for cantonal youth & sports camps.The shared booking platform for the offers of Bed & Sports via the city of Willisau is ideal for athletes, clubs and tourists.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Youth, Elderly, Students

Smart mobility


Can a low voltage power grid support one street if allhouseholds are using an electric car? A small villagein Lower Austria was selected to test the influenceof e-cars on the power grid. 18 households got 23e-cars for their daily use. A simple control technologymonitored the voltage in the grid and slowed downthe charging process if needed. Within the six weekstryout the voltage in the grid was never in a criticalstate and each morning all cars had a full battery. Theparticipants were enthusiastic and used the electriccars for 90 percent of their everyday trips, with a totalof 53.000 km in 6 weeks.In the future, the field test will be extended. In the villageObersiebenbrunn, it will be analysed how e-mobilitycan be realised in large scale residential buildings; witha focus on charging in underground parking and e-carsharing systems. In a third village called Echsenbach,an intensification of the first field test will be repeated.Winter months will provide insights into extraordinarysituations with additional consumption of heat pumpsand electric cars.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Youth, Elderly, Students

Smart environment

Photovoltaic-League Lower Austria

The Lower Austrian Photovoltaic-League highlights the most successful communities in terms of increasing their installed PV capacity. The competition takes place once a year and even small communities have the chance to capture the trophy.In order to balance the chances between small and large communities, the target figure is defined by the yearly gains in installed PV capacity per capita. The champions of each district have the possibility to take part in an award ceremony where they receive their trophies. The most successful district champion will be declared state champion.The requirement for a comprehensive data set is the cooperation with power utilities that report the installed PV capacity in their power grids once a year. The communities have the chance to benefit from dissemination activities like regional press releases and online activities. In 2017 the Lower Austrian Photovoltaics-League was carried out for the sixth time. All Information can be obtained via (Website in German)Highlight of the project: Award ceremony with district-champions that receive the trophy.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart people

Third Place La Place des Possibles

La Place des Possibles is a collective project aiming at the creation of a third place dedicated to all citizens of Royans Vercors territory, on 5 thematics : digital skills, recycling, local feeding, solidarities, citizenship, culture and arts. The location in an industrial wasteland, ancient textile factory
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart living

Digital support for administrative purpose

Services of General Interest House and Digital support center in Saint Jean en Royans aiming at help people experiencing difficulties with digital tools especially for administrative or social issues.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart economy

Drava Bike Trail

The cycling route along Drava runs through 4 countries (Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia) and has a total length of about 710 km. The route begins right next to the source of Drava on Toblach Field (Toblach) in Italy. It then continues through Austria, Slovenia, and finally Croatia (where the route is not yet fully arranged and marked). The total length of marked Drava Bike trail is now 510 km. The first 70 km of the cycling route from the source of Drava are very interesting, since we mostly ride downslope. A large section of the cycling route runs through Carinthia and crosses the border to Slovenia at Vič, continuing through Slovenia from Dravograd past Radlje ob Dravi, Maribor and Ptuj, all the way to Ormož and Središče ob Dravi, where it crosses into Croatia after 145 km. The river and the cycling route continue their path towards Varaždin, where the river Mura (also famous for its cycling route – Mura Cycling Route), after 63 km, at Legrad, converges with the river Drava, which then flows into the Danube near Osijek.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Youth, Students, Active working people

Smart economy

Maribor Wine Road

Wine-growing Štajerska region boasts being home to the oldest vine in the world and is one of the largest wine-growing regions of Slovenia, famous for its elegant, varietal white wines. It is also a strong wine tradition present here.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart living


The main goal of the project and the common tourist product KULTNATURA is to create and implement new tourist contents in the area of the project, based on the active inclusion of heritage, in conjunction with the content from the hinterland, thus enabling the target groups to experience new experiences and, on the other hand, more efficient marketing of the mentioned, through a sustainable tourism.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people

Smart living


Digital Innovation Hub for Agriculture and Food production (DIH AGRIFOOD) brings together Slovenian and European research and development expertise in the field of Agriculture and Food production. The network provides you with the latest knowledge on digitalization of this industry – so called ‘’Smart Agriculture’’. The goal of DIH AGRIFOOD is to represents a One-Stop-Shop providing services to organisations in the region through a multipartner cooperation in order to provide safe, sustainable and quality food.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Local area
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people
