Step 1: General information Filling this form will take you approximately 3-5 minutes. Country: Austria Germany Slovenia France Switzerland Italy Village name: Kind: Choose an option City Village Municipality Local Area Inhabitants: Choose an option Up to 100 Up to 1,000 Up to 10,000 Up to 50,000 Up to 100,000 Up to 150,000 More than 150,000 Assessor Age: Choose an option Youth Elderly Students Active working people Assessor Type: Choose an option Policy Maker Academia Business Citizens Step 2: Setting priorities Please order the areas below by priority. Smartness of people priority level: * 0 Smart People measures the participation of local citizens to the job market, the decision-making and the involvement in associations, and the education level of people. Examples of indicators include the number of associations, policies for promoting equal opportunities, level of schooling, overall employment, degree of political engagement, etc. Smartness of governance priority level: * 0 Smart Governance is related to the level of smartness of the governance systems, the penetration of green public procurement, egovernance, facilities to networking. Some examples of indicators include the number of electric cars used, the convenience of recycling policies, energy policies, etc. Smartness of living priority level: * 0 Smart People is related to the quantity and quality of services to the population in the area, and the degree of satisfaction in them. Examples of indicators include the level of criminality, the level of general services such as banks, post offices, and so on, the quality health care and social care services, as well as the quality and quantity of services to the elderly, etc. Smartness of enviroment priority level: * 0 Smart Environment involves measuring the quality of the environment in terms of air, water, and soil. Examples of indicators include the air quality, level of recycling, percentage of natural spaces in the overall area, etc. Smartness of economy priority level: * 0 Smart Economy is measured in terms of the presence of creative and innovative enterprises and business models in the area, level of employment and unemployment, level of economic attractiveness, penetration of ICT in the local economic system. Examples of indicators include the number and density of certified enterprises, number of young and women-led enterprises, the rate of business creation, the number of patents, etc. Smartness of mobility priority level: * 0 Smart Mobility is related to the quantity and quality of sustainable transport and mobility systems in the village. Examples of indicators include the number of non-conventional-fuel cars being owned or used, the presence of limited-traffic zones, the level and sustainability of public transport, etc. Step 3: Smart People Please check whether the statements apply to your community. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree 1. My village is subject to depopulation and ageing. * 2. My village has a high level of digital literacy. * 3. People in my village are eager to participate in meetings or assemblies of public interest. * 4. There are active citizen associations and organisations in my village. * Step 4: Smart Governance Please check whether the statements apply to your community. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree 1. The local Public Authorities provide web-based administrative and fiscal services (e-government). * 2. The local Public Authorities involve citizens in decision-making. * 3. The local Public Authorities facilitate partnerships with private enterprises. * 4. The local Public Authorities communicate (news, decisions, information) in smart ways to citizens and/or visitors. * Step 5: Smart Living Please check whether the statements apply to your community. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree 1. I am satisfied with the level of health and social care services in my village. * 2. There is a satisfying coverage of internet connection in my village. * 3. My village is attractive from the point of view of basic services to the population (banks, post-offices, basic-good shops, bars & restaurants, pharmacies, educational services). * 4. Smart working (co-working spaces, tele-working) is possible in my village. * Step 6: Smart Environment Please check whether the statements apply to your community. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree 1. My village produces energy from renewable energy sources. * 2. My village uses energy produced from renewable energy sources. * 3. My village is working towards a zero waste economy. * 4. People in my village are aware of natural risks. * Step 7: Smart Economy Please check whether the statements apply to your community. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree 1. There are apps/platforms in my village that inform about local tourist attractions and services and/or support the local economy (e.g., digital marketplace). * 2. In my village, services for tourists make use of innovative and/or smart approaches. * 3. My village ensures that the local economy, including tourism, does not have a negative impact on the environment. * 4. Economic activities in my area have innovative approaches. * Step 8: Smart Mobility Please check whether the statements apply to your community. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree 1. I consider the offer of public transport adequate in my village. * 2. There are solutions and services to share means of transport (car-sharing, car-pooling, etc.) in my village. * 3. In my village, there is an integrated web-based transport platform for citizens and/or visitors to use. * 4. In my village, there are multimodal transport infrastructures (train/bus station and car sharing; train/bus station and bike sharing, etc.). * Assemble and Get the Best Practices Thank you for filling out the assessment form. Based on your answers, we will assemble the areas your community excels in and the areas needing improvement. After checking the results, do not forget to go through the best practices from other towns that will be shown based on your results.