Smart Economy
Smart Economy
- Key chronology :
2016: A group of entrepreneurs, craftsmen and artists wishes to set up their activities in the same building, in the Vercors Regional Natural Park, in order to share know-how and a set of digital and office facilities Two former summer camps are visited. One of them, belonging to the City of Grenoble, corresponds to the identified needs and even makes it possible to consider the development of other activities (reception of artists and companies, organic farming, public events and conferences, etc.)
2017: On the basis of this project, the City of Grenoble agrees to sell the builing located in Autrans called "Echarlière" to the founders. The Massif du Vercors Intermunicipaliy is giving support to the acquisition and installation process.
2018: Work is progressing rapidly, the first companies are set up. About ten organizations (companies and NGOs) invest the premises over the months.
2019: 20 people work daily on the site, the first events open to the public start (organic market, internships, visits, etc.). The NGO is progressively structured (governance, set of values, business model and action plan...)
2020: All areas of the building are now operational. 3 families are living on-site, a bakery is working daily for local and short supply delivery (4 people), and some other 15 people have installed their activities on-site. There is still some work in progress in the corridors (stairs, hall) but the essential is done, the life of the place can now flourish fully!
Business model and human resources:
The model consist in two independent organization, on for the real estate, the other for the activities coordination and territorial development.
- The results :
10 companies are installed (business hotel) and / or represented on site (for example by coworking)
25 people work on site on a daily basis
2 hectares of land are cultivated in organic farming (GAEC des Colibris and Chemin des Saisons)
70 markets organized since June 2019 (around 10 producers / artisans present throughout the year)
20 guided tours of the permacultural garden were organized for the public (Le Chemin des Saisons)
30 students were welcomed during several meetings on the theme of the transition of mountain tourism
1 construction residency lasting 2 months took place in 2019 (Trojan Horse of the Berlioz Festival)
+ many visits / meetings, especially with business creators and third-place project leaders.
- Methodology applied :
The purpose was to think about the sustainability of the project by a solid governance, relying on the expertise of consulting partners (lawyer, notary, architect, accountant ...).
• Set up management tools that can be easily adopted by the collective (especially online: cloud, agendas and shared documents, accounting, etc.)
• In parallel with the core of founders, building a governance system allowing the involvement of all stakeholders (= tenant companies, territorial partners, regular users ...), the consolidation of a common vision and the optimal cohabitation of the different activities.
Key Conditions for Success
• Friendly welcoming and support from the local policy representatives + support from technicians (Intermunicipality services for planning and economic development). • Opportunity to purchase the building at a lower price thanks to the majority team of the City of Grenoble which defended and supported the project during its deliberation for the sale. • Bank loan for the buliding work, granted by the local Chamber of Commerce, which trusted the SCI. • Involvement of consulting partners (lawyer, notary, accountant, architect) • Mobilization of a supportive and friendly network (friends, family and supporters) on key stages of the work (collaborative workshops in a "WWOOFING" spirit on-site) • Very strong motivation, complementarity and cohesion of the 6 initial project leaders. • Mobilization of a "Council of wise people" to question the substance of the project, its values and organize its governance
Key Steps for Activity Implementation
The purpose was to think about the sustainability of the project by a solid governance, relying on the expertise of consulting partners (lawyer, notary, architect, accountant ...). • Set up management tools that can be easily adopted by the collective (especially online: cloud, agendas and shared documents, accounting, etc.) • In parallel with the core of founders, building a governance system allowing the involvement of all stakeholders (= tenant companies, territorial partners, regular users ...), the consolidation of a common vision and the optimal cohabitation of the different activities.
Difficulties Encountered
→ How could be impulsed a shared governance that could interest and create mobilization from inhabitants and other partners? Idea to set up simple tools to activate information and ideas dissemination, but also to share decisions between many stakeholders? → How could be organized a wider range of activities opened and supported by the public and inhabitants ?Looking for a good balance between outside people involvment while preserving the internal organization? → In a context of growth af our activities (current and future), what are the strategies to consolidate the economic model that will allow the hiring of an dedicated animator and coordinator of the place and the Lab, with an employee in a short term?
Additional Information
ContactPerrine Faillet, member of the founding collective, association co-president, SC co-managerAssociation La Jolie Colo + SCI Vercors Pépinièrelajoliecolo at gmail.com
Resources Needed
The model consist in two independant organization, on for the real estate, the other for the activities coordination and territorial development, through an NGO : The real estate company "Vercors Pépinière" (Société civile immobilière) 6 partners SCI with initial capital of € 120,000 Purchase of the building: € 270,000 Bank loan for works: € 400,000 Repayment of this loan via the rental of premises to businesses Resale of bare trays corresponding to housing: € 90,000 Note: work on private housing financed independently (+ operation in co-ownership) Association La Jolie Colo: Holacratic governance model involving all users of the place (currently around 30 people) Investment grants obtained at the start of the project (total € 60,000 obtained) for technical equipment (creation room, fablab, etc.): European Leader Fund, Community of municipalities of the Massif du Vercors, RTE Foundation. Association premises provided by the SCI (rental exemption, 10-year loan) No employees at the moment
Visit the project website for more details or contact the author.
Organisation: ADRETS
Claire Belet