Bernese Oberland, Switzerland

Smart Economy

1. Concept and Ideation
2. Architecture and Planning
3. Project Management
4. Marketing and Communications

Besides the tourist office employees, the Mountain Lab has regular local coworkers who use the space weekly. Multiple companies have booked the space for smaller groups and retreats. Also, guests from hotels and/or holiday homes come and use the facilities of the Mountain Lab.
Applicable in rural, non-city areas
Students, Active Working People
June 2020 - ongoing


Key Conditions for Success

Collaboration and close involvement of the local community and the existing tourist office.

Key Steps for Activity Implementation

1. Project-Kickoff with a workshop in the participation of all relevant stakeholders 2. Securing financial means 3. Planning (project and architecture) 3. Architecture and Conversion of the building 4. Setting up the online marketing and communication channels 5. Active engagement of the local community at all relevant project steps.

Difficulties Encountered

Building trust within local communities in rural areas takes a lot of communication efforts and close involvement of local stakeholders and decision-makers.

Resources Needed

1. Financing 2. Human Resouces in Architecture, Tourism Management, Project Assistant, Marketing specialist, and construction workers. 3. Existing infrastructure with the building, the tourist office, location and attractive leisure and skiing offers in the region. 4. Collaborations with hotels and other types of accommodations.

Would you like to know more?

Visit the project website for more details or contact the author.

Organisation: gutundgut gmbh

Gabriel Punkenhofer

+41 44 500 02 61